Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Pause...And Happiness

When I "discovered" that one of the two top primary practices in life was to purposely take a pause to check in, I then was responsible for implementing it in my life. 

So, I made a point of it, having as a 'cue' any time that I felt tired or off in any way,  or when there was a break in activity.  At first, I missed some opportunities or wanted to 'keep going' or 'keep stimulated'.  But that was just a bad choice on my part, for it didn't get what I really wanted.

As I got better at it, I found my energy stabilizing and my brain working better - and my productivity went up considerably, as I was no longer being distracted by being "out of homeostasis".  (Keeping oneself in homeostasis balance is the other key primary practice, for it allows the brain to be functioning instead of being in a state of low resourcefulness or living in a fear response mode where the brain is largely shutdown.)

Actually, as I continued my studies, I began to think of The Pause (and the option of going to the Time Out) as a form of mindfulness - which seems to me to be superior to operating in the mode of mindlessness.  (A friend of mine insists that a big anxiety attack 'just occurs' out of nowhere.  But the scientists suggest, and have had alot of success, per the studies, that learning 'mindfulness' actually prevented most of the anxiety!)

I invite you to join me in implementing, for the rest of your life, The Pause and the Time Out, and the practice of maintaining homeostasis, for a calm coherence, "feeling good", functional life!

Yours toward HighSanity,


Note that The Pause is part of Attentional Training, which when engaged in on a regular basis actually physically increases the size of left prefrontal cortex, which is your happiness center.  It is also the part of the brain that screens out negative crappola, automatically, without your even thinking about it.  The other side effect is that people's amygdala emergency system actually shrinks in size, thereby reducing anxiety and fear.  It all fits together, into a good upward spiral!!!! (Instead of the normal downward spiral people get caught in if they don't pay attention and stop it!)

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