Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Affecting The Expression Of Your Genes - Avoiding Disease, While Increasing Happiness

(Click on title to go to the full blog posting.  If you receive this email notice, it only includes a few lines to give you the basic idea...)

People think they have to go through some impossible learning and examining one's whole psychology to be happier and that we are doomed to have the "diseases of civilization".

And they think we are stuck with our genes and what they will do to us.

But it turns out that there are a number of very doable actions and even deciding what to eat that we can do that will actually change the expression of our genes to the positive side.  Even for those with identical DNA, such as identical twins, there can be very large differences in the results in their lives in terms of disease, happiness levels, health levels, body development, etc. and etc. - just from what we eat and a few lifestyle behaviors we engage in.

I would recommend that you become highly familiar with how this works and what to do toward making your life even better!

Link into Epigenetics - How We Foul Up Our Gene Expressions - And Suffer, Needlessly - and be sure to watch the somewhat technical but very understandable video on the process.


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