Saturday, October 25, 2014

No Fault! Understand This Concept And It'll Change Your Life!

(Click on the title of the article to go to the full blog posting.  If you receive this email notice, it only includes a few lines to give you the basic idea...)

It's the process!

W. Edward Deming, the super-consultant, observed that 94% of all breakdowns were related not to the people but the process.  So the solution was to perfect the process!

Fix the processes in life and you'll be surprised at how greatly your life will change for the better. (There are lots of examples of good processes to use in the Life Value Productivity book - link from Books.)

And most of the other 6% can be fixed by gaining the missing knowledge.

People are not "at fault".  They simply need a process that works and possibly to fill in their "knowing" to the sufficient knowing level.

Our "failures" are mostly due to just having the wrong strategy.  Focus on changing the strategy and on "not stopping short" (finish the process!) and life will change dramatically to the greater upside.  

Use "immutable" theories (principles, laws), which are theories that work every time.  If you have a theory, or a "belief" about how things work, and you don't get the desired results, look for a theory that works - and stop doing over and over what doesn't work!  Ironically, people don't put forth sufficient effort to close the gap between what doesn't work and what does work.

As Marshall Thurber says:  Build your life around universals (theories that work) and you'll suddenly see that "the universe supports you".   (Of course, the universe doesn't actually do that, as you are simply "aligning" with how the universe works - with the result that what you do actually works!)

The point, again, is that the person is not at fault or "not good enough" or "not intelligent enough", it is simply that he does not yet have sufficient knowledge (which he can get) and/or does not yet have the right strategy/process.  You can get both, if you simply no longer keep "stopping short."

Now, we come to the hard part:  people rebel against the idea that they need to design procedures, which sounds harsh or too businesslike or whatever.  But this is a world that operates based on reality - and the reality is that it is all mechanical.   (See Life Overview - Do This And You'll Have A Great Life!)

If you want the "universe to fully support you", you might consider using this:  Super-Principle:  Good Programs And Good Procedures For Life To Work Well!  

Yes, life can be truly great.  There is nothing to get in the way, except one's own misbeliefs....

Keith D. Garrick

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