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Written to a particular person, but largely applicable to most people...
We have built into our body/mind a navigation system, an indicator of our "global position system" (GPS) relative to how we are living our lives.
If we fail to honor it, we get far off course in life. Yet many people get far off course, but persist in going that way anyway!!!!. And all the while the mind is screaming, louder and louder, but it goes unheard.
"No, I won't do that. I need to see my friends, I need to do more work, work harder, get more approval, etc. and etc. There is no problem in having a lot of what you want, but we can't live a good life if the small stuff is most of what we have in life and the big stuff is ignored or barely dealt with ("after all, I'm too busy doing low value stuff so I can't put aside time to solve the big stuff").
Of course, as any wise person knows, the GPS is our feelings, the sensations we feel indicating something is wrong (or at least that it could be) or something is right. Many people numb themselves to those feelings, to relieve themselves from feeling bad instead of noting them and then asking "Now what should I do about this? What do I need to fix? What time blocks can I spend on this to solve it."
One fellow says "I have a ruined life" and then he quickly goes back to his old ways, as if they will work. He easily dumps the recommended practices, although they are all proven to follow the principles and laws that work. "No, I must continue this old way...somehow, this time it will get better results, I'll just do it harder and learn how to be more efficient (even though I never seem to get around to that)...
The bottomline is "if you feel a negative feeling, pay attention to the signal, and go fix the cause, whether it be false beliefs or some lack of knowledge that is needed".
That's it.
Pretty simple.
Yes, it takes alot of work, but it saves a huge amount of problems and mountains of bad feelings.
Question: What is a "negative"?
Answer: Ongoing and/or oft repeated anxiety, stress, guilt, fatigue, anger...
And either of two things could happen, once someone has read about this right now.
"But, God, I didn't have enough time to honor what you gave to us, to figure out how it worked, somehow I didn't notice. Sorry. But I was mostly nice. I hope you think highly of me and want to be around me... Sorry about wasting my life, I know you had high hopes for me. Sorry, but others got in the way, they made me do things I didn't really want to do, I "had to" do all I could to please people and fill my obligations, I just couldn't keep up with life...but I "tried"...please forgive me."
"Well, my child, I don't have to forgive you because you are not to blame and not wrong for not knowing better. Of course, I love you, unconditionally. But I do feel sad that you wasted your life and didn't honor those signals I sent you in the vehicle I built for you to live your life through."
"I now realize that you have sent me a messenger, who has studied this in much more depth, and while he is not perfect or all knowing, it is wise for me, until I learn better, to follow the practices and ways of running my life that he recommends. I know that I have dishonored them by discarding them and that I have continued to suffer the consequences of the ways I have been living - the ways that have caused me and my spouse much emotional pain and suffering. Clearly, what I am doing is not working, so I must not continue them.
I will follow the practices and laws and principles to the extent I can, even though I do not totally understand them. But I do realize that it takes time and study and diligence to rise to a high level of wisdom, so I will, while implementing those practices and ways of living, put aside a major amount of time each week to rise up the learning curve of life wisdom.
And when I arrive in Heaven, God will say 'Job, well done, you can now truly be with me, for you have prepared and elevated your own self, your very being, to a level that will enhance the world, be it earthly one or up here.'"
You can continue your present path, making the same old choices of low value activities (thinking they are of high value, foolishly), and you'll get the same old results, ruining what life could be.
I hope that you will take the "straight and narrow" path to life wisdom and running your life on the correct principles, laws, and beliefs. Straight means without a lot of deviation, or allowances here and there that pile up and distract us from the key goal of life wisdom and from a well run life of happiness. Narrow means "do not stray far", stick to it, focus on this path, for it is powerful, life changing, incredibly fulfilling and very joyful and happy.
Let me know which you choose and what you promise based on that choice, please. Don't just read this, as before, and do nothing, please!
I hope, very much, that you follow The Only Sure Path To The Greatest Life.
[Whoever reads this who is not a "believer", consider it to be metaphorical, but true of this life!]
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