Saturday, May 21, 2016

What is the one thing that will most forward your life right now?

Answer that one question - and then implement it, no matter the cost, no matter how much else you have to put aside or give up.

That one thing is the most valuable thing you can do for your life right now.  Do it!!!!


Caught in a mass of anxiety and indecision, Daniel has before him the one thing that will make the most difference in his life.  But he is too busy for it right now, as he has scheduling conflicts (as has been the pattern of his "busy" mode of life).  And there is some hesitance, where he is, again, caught up and stuck in indecision in weighing the tradeoffs, mostly because of the cost of over $4,000.  

The "con" side of the "balance sheet" of pros and cons has a preponderance of "cons" on it, but the benefits side is a bit sparse (or weak), as it is so hard to see the positives when one is caught up in the anxieties around it.  His primitive mind rules his life, in fear, and is busy assuring "survival".  He is stuck at a lower level of thinking, caused by the fear response. that does not consider intangibles, results, and tradeoffs clearly or definitively.

His anxiety and fear, and the corresponding indecision and procrastination, are, and has always been, his biggest problem - and,, of course, the one to solve if he wants to most  enhance his life.  That syndrome has most determined his life and taken away his power, making it always hard to progress in life and/or to feel happy.  He has what he has called a "ruined" life, so you'd think that would be motivation enough to do whatever it takes to solve the problem.  

But the pro side of the balance sheet, in reality, has one item on it that is so valuable that the decision is not even close. (Since beliefs are the determinant of interpretation and the cause of emotions such as anxiety and fear, it is the cause of it all, so it is the "power point" in the chain to change.)

Note that Daniel also believes that he might not get the most out of the workshop, that he might not be effective in it.  But the immensity of the value available is so large that he can't help but get more benefit, even if he harvests only a fraction of it, by far, than the cost of it!!!!


It will change his life in a way that it has never been changed before.  It will assure he is accountable and doing "the work", as he is onsite, with no distractions, involved in "teamwork", participating with his other cobeneficiaries and students, but supervised (and coached) and interacting with proven qualified assistants (who have only eight participants apiece).  And the homework is written and then checked to see that it was done (no easy escapes into the "later" mode of doing, or actually "not doing", things).

 It is immersion learning, which is the most effective mode.  It is "completion" type of learning and implementing, where you do the work right there and then, before you go on to the next learning step.  You assure implementation of building the base and the decisions for action, doing many of the actions right there and then.

The workshop (at The Hoffman Institute) is about changing beliefs, which mostly is started by looking at what we bought into as children and then what we considered to be "the truth", even though it has caused much distress and lack of power over our lives.  

But, he says, I really don't remember my childhood, so...I probably won't get much out of it or do a good job of it.  He doesn't realize that it really doesn't matter how or where or when you came up with your current beliefs.  You can just mock up a pretend version of what the prior "thinking" was, or is, that leads up to your damaging beliefs you are operating from now.

You note that you often feel anxiety.  You simply ask "well, where did that come from, what caused my current beliefs about each thing I am anxious about?"

You use the great, but simple, problem solving technique of going forward and going backward on the cause-effect chain.  Everything that occurs in the real world, including in one's brain, always has a cause - and that cause has a cause, which also has a cause.  

You simply ask "well, what could've caused this to come about?" Or "well, what would this cause in the future?" (or "what end result will I get out of it?).

A simple example is following the chain in "the desire to be successful in accumulating lots of money".  You simply ask "well, why are you doing that" and you keep on asking the question until you get to the end point, which is that point which has no "why" to it as it is the ultimate result wanted - it is the answer to the "why" question.  (Sometimes, it is just as vital to discover the "result" occurring right before the end-result.  Like, to the money goal, you might answer "gives me freedom", "gives me control over my life", "has me be, and feel, more powerful", "won't have to worry about the future", "attract greater playmates (so to speak)", etc.)


The ultimate end result, after assuring survival in your life, that one seeks is always "happiness".  Or if defined more precisely would be "deep, ongoing, nonconditional accumulated happiness".  


So, that brings us back to the original question:  "What is it that would make the most positive difference  in your life right now?"  And the end result we must get from that difference must always be "more (net) happiness". 

Will you, right now, this moment, choose to do that one thing that will most enhance your life and take action to start the ball rolling, right now (or within 24 hours)?

 (Sure, consider the "cons" and the "costs" but give much greater weight to the incredible value you will get out of doing this, as it is what will affect your life the most of ALL the things you could do now!!!!)


Perhaps, in surveying the possibilities of what you might do that will make the most difference, you might not be able to gain clarity on what will be the most impactful.  And sometimes it is best to get an overview of how everything fits together and what is needed to make life work.  So, as of now, the best route might be to do the reading sequence in The Only Sure Path To The Greatest Life - and start with nailing down reality and then building from there.

Or maybe you might want to do these good quality, fairly low cost alternatives:

T. Harv Eker's (coaching) Ultimate Life Makeover System (remarkably low cost, methinks)

Michael Hyatt's Life Plan:  Living Forward (and use his other resources on his site, both his own and the one's he points to:  Resources.  See also on the navigating tabs at the top of the page, "Personal Development" and "Productivity".) 

On The Life Management Alliance site, see also The Resources For Success.


Send copies of these, or just plain refer, to those who might benefit from this blog and/or the site.  See "What To Say To Send Others Here".  For convenience, you might choose to use the "envelope" shape right below this posting.

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