Thursday, December 29, 2016

My Victory For Life - My Life!

(Click on the title of the post to see the entire post.)

[This is meant to be an "insight" poem, perhaps even inspirational.  But it also provides a life learning opportunity if you read and seek to understand the pieces it links to.]


I came out from the dark night of doubt
Into the clearness of seeing what is true and real.

I emerged as my own soul,
No longer holding myself in the image of my being a child,
No longer being dependent,
No longer being powerless.

I saw that there is no ghost to fear
And that nightmares weren’t real.
I chose no longer to believe some thought from my primitive brain,
some old recording based on primitive thinking.

I saw that those were all imaginary thoughts,
Often infused with false threat signals
Generated by that primitive brain sweetly trying to protect me
I let it know that there were no longer any tigers to be fearful of
And that I would take charge
And determine which signals to heed or ignore.

I saw that no matter what,
Except for once,
That I would survive and
That I will be able to create many, many possibilities
From which to use my nature given ability to choose,  
And that my life is ne’er dependent on circumstances.
It is only determined by me,
As I am the only one who is responsible for it all.

I declare that I am henceforth in charge of my world
And that I will access this incredible brain
That I am so fortunate to have,
To create the happiness that is mine to take.

I need only learn the wisdom
That is there for me to harvest.

And I commit to owning that wisdom fully,
To following those principles that will have me experiencing
Fulfillment, and
Such that I am generating out to others
A lovingness and a kindness
That is my greatest treasure in life.

Indeed, as in the poem Invictus,
I am the master of my fate, and
The captain of my soul!
‘Tis I who shall create it all!

And I am blessed… 


[You can share anything you think would benefit other people by clicking on the envelop below this post.]

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