Friday, January 20, 2017

Don't miss the express train, or your life will be on the slow train...

(Click on the title of this post to see the entire post.)


I sometimes find myself looking up after two hours of fiddling around with emails and articles in the morning.

And then I realize that I missed the express train to where I really want to go.  If there is another express train left in me, I grab the next one, but I get only half as far in the time left...

And, so goes life if we keep on letting this happen.

This idea is recognized as one of the most powerful of all but it seems to have been lost in the fabric of life, almost trivialized.

The idea is to use your most powerful, alert, high thinking power times to create more of what is truly valuable in life.  And that usually occurs first thing (after a brief warmup perhaps) in the morning.


And you've heard it before many times.

But, perhaps, maybe, hopefully, this time you'll realize the importance of getting on the express train as early as possible so that you get as far as possible in life - toward your dreams, toward your actually building the person you want to be (the one who is strong, integrous, a master of life).and learning how not to continue to operate off of self sabotaging habits (like allowing anxiety to rule much of your life! Or keeping any bad beliefs...).

The express train only runs for about 3 to 4 or 5 hours a day.  After those hours, there is no express train and you're going to have to just go the slow train to where you want to go (and of course lose the time you could have spent having fun or whatever you enjoy most).

Not catching the express train as early as possible costs you a great deal of your life.  It is not simple arithmetic, as it actually compounds.  If a person "grows", he/she grows such that the rest of life's growth is accelerated - that means it grows at a faster rate, on an ever rising curve.

Read Investing Your Gold...and follow any links...and make sure you implement this in your life, as it will dramatically impact your life and make it the golden life it can be!



Another way of looking at it, might be to look at it as if you worked in New York City.  Not even considering the speed of the train, if you missed the first train because of your dilly dallying, you would get to work 2 hours later and be automatically behind, so you'd rush, operate in a form of fear that causes you to be less able to think.  Your energy clock would be winding down, so you'd get less done even if you stayed at work another two hours after normal quitting time.  And you'd probably get stuck in never having time to plan or to hone your skills and learn, which are all best done when you are the sharpest and your mind is working the best.  You'd lose confidence over time and be even more prone to anxiety and not feeling so good. (And you'd probably take away from the time you could have spent with your family, which, too often, seems to be expendable and displaceable.


Intelligence is the "natural" ability to learn or understand or deal with new or trying situations AND "the skilled use of reason" and "the ability to apply knowledge" in such a way as to create something better. (Actually, it can be developed, by practicing the steps in Effective Thinking.  And if a highly intelligent person does not learn "effective thinking" he will not be able to use his great potential, and it will go unapplied to life, wasting much of it)

Of course, natural ability if not used regularly and its application practiced, will not get you far in life.

We have seen example after example where high intelligence gets some people nowhere.  And, per some studies, if one languishes, the highly intelligent are just more able to devise "reasons why not" (i.e. excuses, justifications...) and are thus able to do a better job of keeping themselves stuck.

If one seldom applies and exercises that intelligence, one will not benefit much from it.

If one gets stuck in a disabling rut, one can get into being a "nerd" (smart in a few things, but not in life and in perspective) who bumbles along in life or in a concept of self that has one in a constant state of anxiety (which, from evolution, causes one's brain to shut down, at least to some extent, so that he can't use his intelligence!!).  The nerd has to have the good fortune to run across something that causes him to want to learn life and to do it in a systematic way.  The anxious one needs to be fortunate enough to have an "intervention" that he takes seriously such that he is motivated to seek to learn emotional intelligence and how to alter his beliefs to align with reality - here he is, a very intelligent person, but stuck in an unexamined irreality!!!!  A true tragedy of life!!! (People who live lives that are unexamined will be burdened with false beliefs that will hinder their lives ongoingly.  

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