Saturday, February 4, 2017

Avoid tactical hell, demands...


Robert [Greene] defines tactical hell as a place where we are reactive to other people’s demands and needs, driven by emotions, and never thinking ahead. The antidote to tactical hell is strategy. We must be strategic in everything we do."

                                                             Ryan Holiday

This cryptically short bit of wisdom is actually life defining, if you think about it.

Those who live for other people's approval and/or fail to assert themselves end up living a life full of demands from others - and, consequently, they end up doing for others when they should be doing for themselves.  They are doing life backwards, in the wrong order and creating lives that are much less than they could be - and even sometime hell!


Here, I'm not talking about being solely selfish, though the famous Esther Hicks conveys that by our very nature [and by evolution] we must be selfish (despite the political incorrectness of sayin what is true!).  What I'm talking about here is that it is logistically required for success in life to "put your own oxygen mask on first, before assisting others."  If you use this strategy, plus learn some wisdom to go with it, you are sure to fill your needs fully (not partially!!!) AND you will be quantum leaps ahead in your ability to create massively more value for others.

There is no contest.  It's not even close.


When you fill your own actual needs fully, you build a "machine" that is powerful and not subject to emotional reactivity (being a prisoner of emotions) and not full of problems that are draining you - and taking up your time and your life!  Read, for sure, especially the box on the page:  Needs - What Are They, How Do You Fill Them?.

The lesson here is to first (and ASAP!!!) minimize the number of demands on your time and resources to the lowest possible and to devote that time instead to filling your needs AND, most importantly, to being sure you take on whatever is necessary to learn, figure out, and accomplish the resolution to all problems that continue to repeat themselves in your life.  Solve those, so that you can be fully functional in the world.

Relative to being functional in life, it is unacceptable, nonsensical, and totally foolish to allow oneself to continue to have continual anxiety in your days, to feel bad about yourself, to lack confidence,


If a person is strategic, he is thinking ahead about what would accomplish what he wants in life.

Accordingly, He/she identifies what could get in the way, often with help (for greater objectivity and/or insights),  He/she determines what the obstacles, problems, and barriers that are causing life not to be as good as it can be.  And then the person proceeds to prioritize them as to impact.  (Almost always the worst thing that underlies many other problems is to continue to experience continual anxiety, and underlying lack of confidence and trust in oneself, for it is paralyzing, causes procrastination and huge inefficiencies and high ineffectiveness, makes decision making indecisive, and broils one in the hell of emotional turmoil and ineptitude.  Emotional self regulation MUST be developed or a person cannot move forward well in life!!!!)

Then he/she works on them one at a time, starting at the top, but this time finishing what was started no matter what.  After actually, really, finishing the top one, then one proceeds to the next one and does the same, continuing on down the list, in order.

Interestingly enough, one finds that after the 6th to the 10th on the list is solved, life seems to be relatively problemless - and the angels come down and blow their trumpets in celebration in startlingly bright light.

If I were most of you, I would immediately read the What To Do section of the insert on the page Needs - What Are They, How Do You Fill Them?.  (And read this linked piece from there that identifies how this will free up more time than it takes, both in the present and massively in the future, plus live problem free, enjoying more "feel good" units.)


Heaven or Hell?

Do all that is necessary to gain Heaven.  Or do nothing or too little and live a Hell in your life.

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