Saturday, May 20, 2017

Choice: Live in "hurry up", "busy", "frazzled" mode or choose a better life by...

 (If you received this by email, click on the title of the post to read the entire post.)

I like the excerpt following the brilliant two paths choice, as it nailed the spiraling self-perpetuating circle that goes nowhere in life.   

The principle is between two paths:

       Here  →     Too busy, no progress          →   Survival mode, frazzled

       Here  →    Intervene to upgrade life   →  Happiness, quality time mode

Are you choosing to get wiser or just to "get on"?


(From Kill The Chaos (notes from a podcast about using Evernote), Steve Scott), 

“I’m Just Too Busy” ” This [fixed] mindset usually works out in one of two ways.
You can adopt new things and try them – keeping what works and dropping what doesn’t.

Or you can do what some people do. They say “I’ve just got three more projects to do, then I’ll get to it.”

Problem is, ten years go by and it never happens because optimizing their workflow never becomes a priority.

They live in survival mode and they get a lot done, but what they don’t realize is that, by investing a couple of hours, they could start to get 110 or 120 percent more done than they would by not investing that time. [Using your math skills, that's 210% of what was done before.]

Basically a person has to decide, “I don’t have time not to do this!”

Here’s what might be a valuable question to ask yourself: “Am I getting wiser, or just getting on?”

Yes ... Knowing without action equals not knowing.


We humans are basically experiencing a war between the lower primitive mind, which is spontaneous (meaning random and without purpose) and the higher brain, with its "executive functions". [See Brain 101 - "Who" And How To Manage.]

Of course, an executive "executes", meaning he/she gets things done, accomplished, but he/she accomplishes always from a prioritized plan that focuses only on what is most important - as he/she realizes that he/she does not have the human time to fit in everything and that that means the low and medium value items have to go - because there are enough high importance items to fill one's life - meaning it is "unsmart" to not do those first, or to let the unimportant crowd out the important.

[Or as Jim Rohn says: "Learn how to separate the majors and the minors. A lot of people don't do well simply because they major in minor things."]

Without this executive function, one will not be able to exert control and power over life. He/she will just "go with the flow", meaning just doing what comes up from circumstances or what others demand of him/her, passively accepting the hand downs. If one thinks that "out there" has your best interests at heart and will have you do what is most valuable for you, then that's wonderful, in the "that's nice" sense - but one who thinks that is living in a fog of marijuana smoke, and for sure not living a great life or a life even close to what one could live if he/she freely chose with the higher brain!

The person who gives away his/her life to forces outside is...well... giving away his/her life (or at least 80% of it). It is highly unlikely (actually impossible) that "out there" has your best interests at heart! [Perhaps you might read "They" - The Fictional "Big People" Running Your Life?, who one will likely feel "small" around, dependent, little....]

Those living life without thinking, however, will keep responding like a puppy (or child) hungry for attention. They will keep doing what it takes to get attention and approval from "out there" and thus will be doing what "out there" wants of them, with no clue as to what they want for themselves. They live a rudderless life, sailing around to nowhere, in circles of Groundhog Day after Groundhog Day.

To break out of the circle, spiral, or self-perpetuating spinning in life, one has to break into one of the points on the circle - to change one of the steps (since EVERYTHING occurs in steps, EVERYTHING - See The Master Laws Of Life Physics ) to produce a different causal chain and accordingly a different result.


If I leave you with just an idea, I am violating the laws of physics related to my intentions for writing in the first place: to have you get results, not just a brain massage.

Yes, it is easier, in the short term primitive thinking sense, to not set aside (and use) time for these:

Cap. Worth Will

___     ___   ___ 1. Looking at the big picture of life, how everything fits
                               together and what is important in life.
___    ___   ___  2. Determining what valuable activities (activities
                               that produce high life value) to do.
___    ___   ___  3. Determining when to do them. (See "schedule", below.)
___    ___   ___  4. Setting up the tickles and means to assure we
                               are reminded to do them.

How hard can that be? (Things aren't "hard" if you have plenty of time, no pressure, and no internal emotional conflicts. One of the first things we have you do is not just to learn time management, but also to implement the first part of Emotional Mastery.)

(You might copy and paste the above into a word document...)

Check off which of those you are capable of doing (under "cap.").

Check off which of these you think are worth doing (under "worth").

Check off which of these you will do in order to have a much better life.

If you checked off "will", then you must put this into your schedule right now, this moment, without delay.  For now call this "Quadrant II - High Importance, Planning", or "QII"and do it once a week for the amount of time you think you will be likely to be able to do it.  The time will be increased as we go, as you "grow up" to be the Successful Chief Executive Officer of your life and as you experience the benefits - 10 minutes of thinking ahead/learning produces time saved of 10 times that. 

[Without a CEO of a corporation, or of a life, how well do you think the "organization" will do in terms of profit (and the happiness of its participants).  In life, "profit" = happiness value, and the participants equal the pieces of your body and mind and the external pieces that comprise your life (spouse, children, close friends, job),]

Are you living a life with no CEO in charge?


Eventually, as you "grow up" into being a fully in-charge, fully responsible for your life adult, you might live this schedule: 
"The schedule of a high life value producer

He/she has blocked out, scheduled times

5-7 hrs - Life Learning (life skill enhancement)
5 hrs - Physical care
3 hrs - Psych self care
Full night's rest
Full relationship care 

Because of life learning, the highest happiness person does not need more psych self care.  He/she has learned life and solved how to be without problems and to be happy most of the day.  But, until that level is achieved, it is important to allow for more self care - sufficient enough to assure a happy day."

                         Copied from:  Living In The 5 Quadrants Of Quadrant II  

If you are in the mode of "life repair", the amount of life learning time should be at the speed it up, asap pace of learning, at 11-15 hours a week. "Life repair" is fixing any areas of life that are not at the "sufficiency" level of running pretty well. 

[An overview of possible combinations of what a schedule would look life for life learning is here: Allocating My Time To Learning/Implementation (to life mastery).]

Happy sailing, with control...,


Please write me and let me know your experience in your implementation efforts and results, any difficulties especially and/or any thing you learned that others could benefit from, any comments, suggestions, etc. and etc. Contact  

As always, you can share this with others who you want to benefit, by clicking on the little white envelope, right below this post.

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