Thursday, September 7, 2017

Theme "Focus Periods" - To put together the greatest life

Only those who focus their energies get the results they want in life.

Meandering around, going from one interesting thing to another, sporadic attention, reading in a disjointed non-path, living a zig zag life...  that only leaves us with a lot unsettled, which is then left to distract us or to cause suffering due to unresolved ways of doing what is needed to have an effective life.

One seldom-considered influence on how well one does in life is the effect of having one's brain occupied with "unsolved problems", "open loops", "undecided philosophies", "uncertainty", and "self concerns" (including even "am I worthy" concerns).

The lower brains have, indeed, evolved to make sure that all dangers are handled and that everything is resolved - so they'll keep working on them until they are solved.  If undirected, the mind will continue to "spin" in endless "cycles of unproductive thought", where all they accomplish is to take up space and "thinking" such that there is less, or even little, brain processing capacity left to handle our current life goings on.  We end up not having much power left to really enjoy the present and to handle it will the full attention that is needed.  (And, you might notice, when the brain is thinking of problems it creates negative, unhappy feeling and chemicals.)

It would certainly make sense to stop doing that which is unproductive (i.e. doesn't work!) and robs us of our brain power, so that we can then give productive thought and focus on actually directly curing and eliminating the problems and uncertainties (and anxieties and stress) that make up so much of our lives.

We must, then, take the reins and decide what to focus our thought power on.

Then we must isolate some time in which to do that.  (Duh!) (See Allocating My Time To Life Learning & Implementation.)

What I'd recommend is that you consider setting up "themes" for you to work on exclusively until the theme is sufficiently handled for you to be benefitted from them for the rest of your life.

Generally, what you would do is set up for the week or the month or some period theme focus periods, where you work on that subject in all of your spare time, as a priority over lower value, non-essential activities - you assure rest and recreation time though.  You also do not allow yourself to drift off into other subjects "of interest" or even other important areas, as you are, instead, focusing on just that one item until sufficiently handled.

The themes, and some guesstimated hours to devote to them as the time becomes available which might look like this are discussed on the site:  Theme Focus Periods - Polishing Off Each Area, While Living Life.

I really hope that you take this suggestion very seriously and follow through on it.


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