Thursday, October 5, 2017

Managing the "little selves" to achieve BIG benefits for the Big Self

In order to live a much better life, you must know this (about how the mind/brain and parts of us operate) and you MUST use the suggested strategies, which are easily implemented.  It'll make your life both easier AND you'll be much more happy, with  lots more satisfaction and fulfillment!

I assure you, it is very, very doable!


"The human brain wasn't built top to bottom as a single project like Apple builds a computer. It evolved over millions of years in a very messy fashion. Various systems (or "modules") came about to drive you to accomplish different tasks like seeking food, fighting, reproduction, etc. But here's the problem...

They were never integrated. So these systems compete to steer the ship that is your brain. Your mind is less like a single computer operating system and more like a collection of smartphone apps where only one can be open and running at a time."  

After the discussion in this post, I recommend you read that article that the quote is from (linked to, below) AND, then, of course, implement the simple, super-vital doables into your life!!!!!!!!!!!

We must not let the "old way", where the little selves reactively (and poorly) run our live, continue to run different parts of our lives (and cause us not to take proper care of our total selves, to try to use willpower where it often fails, to lose the weight battle, to continue the "struggles" we have...). (See also: The Role Of "Conflicting Needs" At The Same Time - Seeing, Adjusting, For A Life Of Greater Ease And Effectiveness.)


If we let the “little selves” each run the show, randomly, we will not gain even a small fraction of what we could attain if we “managed” them and decided on purpose whether or not to obey the impulse that they give us (or what we think is the emotional imperative that seems to be in control) .

To effectively, and to lots more easily, manage “the process”, we need to first “stop” - in the form of a “pause” (The Power Pause).  At that moment, we would give some form of attention to our breathing, where we "center", and then engage our thinking (higher brain).  If we have learned about the reality of the “little selves”, then we will see that the (seemingly) ”emotional imperatives” from them are merely biochemical electric impulses from a little, unthinking "small self" (part of us) that are often erroneous and not appropriate and which we don’t want to run our lives.  Then we get to choose: What is best for me and my life?

This practice is a vital core practice for life (one of the top 5 to put/install into your life) that should be installed as a dominant habit in the moments throughout each day (often taking mere seconds, while saving massive. amounts of ill-used time...and "mis-takes").  

Make sure that this practice is made an integral core part of your life, as it will make it enormously better.


The “other practice” (referred to in the linked article) is to meditate, as it trains the “mind” to not overreact. Surely you can do a 5 minute “just notice your breathing” period at least once a day.  I do lots of 1 minute (or 30 seconds sometimes) "meditations" during the day, as a form of The Short Pause (called The Power Pause) - it recenters me and gets me to use my higher brain to live life a bit more smartly.  

Install these (it’s relatively easy actually and it makes life much, much easier) - ASAP!  This. is super vitally important to your life. 

Oh, here's my Evernote copy of the article with boldings inserted: Managing the many little selves to achieve big benefits for the Big Self   The author of the article is a super-genius of life, to follow as a life mentor, methinks!


Considering the fact that the "little selves" will not move us to a higher level of living life, it is up to our "Big Self" (our true "I") to decide what is wanted and needed, ahead of time, when we are in our most alert, sharpest state.  If we think and plan ahead, just following the elementary practices of doing so (various versions are on the site), we can formulate the ways of proceeding in our life that work for getting the very most out of life.

So, with no compromise, I recommend that you do all three of these:

1. Implement the short pause between all shifts in activity (The Power Pause)
2. Do some form of meditation that will tend to lower the reactivity of the little selves. 
3. Plan and think things out to decide what and how to proceed to get what you want.  (See Using The Higher Brain and some form of reflecting on and learning from life, such as The Life Improvement Journal.)

Warning:  You will need to actually follow the links in these, and implement it over a week or two...but the worth of doing this will be priceless!!!

(I do realize that, at best, maybe only one of you will do this in a complete way, but hopefully a few more will reap some of the benefits of doing this.  I do hope that people can realize the depth that the site goes to to "fill in the missing pieces" that people need to understand and utilize to create greater lives.  In the random rush of life, we all have missed some of the pieces that we need to know to wisely run our lives. (Consider reading Mastery Learning, For Results! - Not Allowing Cumulative Misunderstandings, Misknowings & Missings.)


Please share this with anybody you think would be benefitted by it.  Either post a link to social media and/or use the little white envelope (with the arrow on it) to share with individuals....


Of course, it helps to have my iPhone do the Stand Up hourly notification, plus another app urging me to "breathe" periodically popping up... And then a timed reminder to urge me to do a power nap, from which the nap app will awaken me if it detects that I will drop into a grogginess inducing start of deep sleep....while my sleep app assures I achieve a 100% sleep quality, waking me only after I'm out of the deep sleep stage so I can awake in an alert state, timed to have had my alertness creating cortisol gradually rise in anticipation of my body waking up at the appointed time range, so that I am alert and do not waste my energy by caffeinating too much and raising my cortisol too high....


  1. Good article.Your articles in lifemanagementalliance have benefitted me a lot.

  2. I’m glad to see this! Thanks for the feedback!
