Friday, March 1, 2019

This will test your prejudice and your ability to think rationally and truly

This fellow definitely generates thinking and reactions that are strong.  In the process, some people lives are changed for the better, some people get caught up in their own prejudices and get outraged and judgmental, and many people learn some useful things in life.  At the very least, he presents an opportunity for people to use his thinking to “think from” - to decide what is right or not correct, to decide what to learn about so that one can create a better life.

He is possibly one of the great thinkers of our time, but disputed and objected to by those who “make up stuff”.  Regardless of where you land in regard to your opinion, there is the opportunity for each of us to create a better defined basis for our beliefs, and how we live life.

Jordan Peterson Blog

(It’s interesting to see “objections” from people on both sides of an issue, from both sides of politics, from people who have or haven’t even bothered to understand or read his points...  as I read his things, I agree with some and disagree with some and I am bemused by the emotional reactions created by others around him...when, after all, he is just a person, just a bunch of data points out there in the real world, where there is no need to react to them (unless we think it is useful, of course.

But, as one famous show used to say: “Velly intellesting, velly intellesting!”

And, hopefully, you won’t want to shoot the messenger (in the most primitive human reaction...)...

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