Thursday, May 30, 2019

The “Secret” To A Great Life”

The secret to a great life is so basic, yet so powerful, that it has been suggested for centuries now.

But it is now your time to start following this crucial, crucial rule!

Quoted from James Altucher:

People think Buddhism and Taoism are religions. They aren't. Buddha and Lao Tzu never mention a god.

They mention:
  1. Suffering will always happen.
  2. Suffering will cause you to react.
  3. You can remove yourself from the suffering by noticing your reaction instead of being a slave to it. Too often we are slaves to fear instead of masters of growth.
  4. Noticing your reactions to suffering, anger, pain is the key to well-being.”
When you notice any suffering (or any mistakes in life) and you have a policy of correcting the thinking/belief errors (and/or execution errors) 100%, as soon as possible, your life will take the more incredible, exponential, dramatic, spectacular upsurge!   In a relatively short period, you will be living life at a whole, new much happier level!    

Implement something like The LIfe Improvement Journal!!!!!! 

One thing I notice is that some people stay stuck in repeatedly experiencing anxiety and fear, but assume that “that is just the way they are”, as if a fixed, permanent way of being.  

But they fail to realize that humans are a basic miracle machine, but one that operates wholly on “programs” that it has learned.  If the program has been learned, then it can be replaced by learning a new program.  

There is no human on the planet who should not aggressively question his/her beliefs and correct and replace those that cause emotional negatives.  

They should not do it meekly or a little bit here and there, but aggressively, as soon as possible, spending as many hours as possible for a concentrated period of time (at least a few months) until their beliefs notebook is full of new beliefs and the rationale behind them, doing something like The Program For Upgrading Your Beliefs.  (See, also, The Beliefs Notebook - Leading To A New Dawn And Incredible Power!)

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