Thursday, December 26, 2019

A huge opportunity at huge cost savings to vastly improve the quality of your life.

(If you receive this by email, click on the title to see the whole post.)

This is very worthwhile to consider doing if you're serious about learning to better your life. (I don't get any compensation from this, other than knowing someone's life has been improved.)

You get all this great educational companies past courses/classes for a hugely discounted cost, plus the ones they add in the next year. See their topics and decide what will be of value to you. A huge bargain for you (and little cost for them as they already have those classes in "the can").

(Keep in mind that we are overly optimistic about how much we'll do in the future and that most people sign up for classes and never do them. So decide if you will. One thing that is helpful is that the classes are set up so that you do one a day for less than a half hour, as they found that is the best way to improve on the average stick to it rate by over 400%!)

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