Friday, December 13, 2019

Taking back your (higher brain) power!!!!! (From your stupid lower brain)

Would you rather have a higher power in charge or a “stupid” lower brain?

I think I know which one you’d pick.

But to have the higher power be in charge of your life, one must constantly put it back into power.

That is the very reason we must use our most powerful habit:  The Power Pause.

But we must also understand how the brain works, or we’re likely to fall victim to being taken over automatically and effortlessly by the stupid lower brain.  You would best learn how the brain actually works, and then “how to work it”, reading this at least:  Your (Bio)Mechanical Brain/Body - Summary - See It For What It Is, Create It How You Want It To Be.

You see, the term “power” refers to the ability to create valued results, which is what the higher brain and its executive functions will do.

However, we often confuse force with power.  It’s a bit like having a very strong, big muscled not too bright fellow contrasted with a person who uses his higher brain in life.  The first can exert force, but it may not produce the desired results.  The latter can create valuable results (the ability to do that is called “power”).  It’s much like in this piece on my site, from the idea behind the very famous play Of Mice And Men:  The “Lennie” Of Your Mind - Using Your Brain When Needed.

The lower brain has a lot more force (and mass) but it does not always produce the results we desire, so we have to consciously cause the shift to our higher brain or we’re destined to live a lower, more animal-level life.  

Even if you are a relatively powerful person, if you actually study the links (and their links), you will become much more “life powerful”, more able to produce the results you want in life AND able to live without fear nor anxiety!

Is this, perhaps, the most powerful thing you could do, now, with your time toward creating the life you truly want to be living, actually and emotionally?!!!

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