Wednesday, April 22, 2020

The power to control your life - instead of the current circumstances.

The Power To Control Your Life, Tony Robbins (Video, 9:19) (I changed the title) - Most people let circumstances dictate their lives and how they feel, but you have the power to go beyond that.  (I’ll be putting out some materials on this shortly, in an attempt to totally alter the way you look at life and to dump your fears and anxieties totally - it will significantly change the way you look at and deal with things.  As you may know, I never charge for anything, so there is no monetary incentives for me. If you want to be notified when they come out, please get on the mailing list for this blog.)

1 comment:

  1. So good... Focus...make a decision(makes all the difference) the action...perfect...just what I needed this morning to start my day...♥️
