Friday, October 9, 2015

Commitment to do what is necessary for the higher life.

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"Commit to this now, and put it in the commitments section of your Reminder Notebook.  

I, ______________________, do hereby commit to keeping myself balanced and centered, operating at the highest level as often as possible.

I commit to implementing the short pause and to engaging my higher brain intentionally, so that I make better decisions and operate more optimally.  

Signed and committed to on this ___ day of ________, in the year ______,



The "higher life" is:

Where your life happens intentionally instead of randomly and whimsically and thoughtlessly and being blown about by mere brain recordings.

Where you see that you are the meaning maker and master and that you need not be at the effect of “out there” (where you’re dependent on good experiences, the right events, and other people “doing it to you”, or for you).

Aware and steering your ship, letting no fear or bad feeling continue without relaxing into it.

Knowing that I can and will adjust to each outcome by doing what is necessary to make myself happy no matter what!"

Excerpted from Living My Life In Balance, Centered And In Perspective - The Musts - How else shall we live???

Keith D. Garrick

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