Tuesday, March 1, 2016

A central truth: It's ALL mechanical, provably

(If you receive this by email, click on the title of the post to read the entire post.)

When it is finally understood and "gotten" deeply as the truth, knowing "it's all mechanical" is incredibly freeing and the basis for deriving high effectiveness in life.


It frees one of false beliefs, where we have "made up" explanations which are totally fallacious about how things occur and beliefs about "forces" fallaciously being created as "being able to determine how" you behave .

It frees one to go forward to build in the mechanisms that will make life work.  It frees us up to direct our energies toward the high payoff  action of "correcting" and "maximizing" the systems that determine how well our lives work (!).

It frees us up to focus on "what works", rather than trying to deal with fictional hopes and fantasies that get us nowhere.

IT'S THE ................, STUPID!

One of the pithy, and true, statements made about politics and, I believe, the Presidential Election (with Clinton & Bush), sorted out the key truth from the abundance of complex theories and motivational gimmicks that determines the election results.  He said "It's the economy, stupid!".
That might appear to be rude, but it gets the point across with appropriate attention.  People vote based on the economy, mostly (plus a few stuck factors that don't change).

In this case, "it's the mechanics, stupid!" is the appropriate rude statement.  It's more like "don't be stupid" means "get wise" and don't miss the key essential core statement to all that determines not the election, but one's whole life!

One of the key pieces that point this reality out is Your (Bio)Mechanical Brain/Body - Summary, starting off with the section title:  "Your Mind Is Strictly Mechanical".  That sounds heartless, and stupid, perhaps, but then there is a discussion about what makes life meaningful that rounds out the picture (so read that also!).  

You must know this fact or you'll be bumping up against reality (and we always lose the battle against reality, 100% of the time).

There is one mechanical objective.  Though it is "mechanical" it is also the source of "meaning" and how we can create a great, emotionally satisfying life.

Again, the benefits of realizing this truth:  it is freeing, one gets a lot better results in life, and it makes life much easier - and it also stops the pain of running into the brick walls of reality.


Once you realize that "everything is mechanical", then it is easy to progress to realizing that all results in this world must come from "systems".  In other words, it is "systems" that provide the "steps" that lead to results. So, if you want a better result, that means you'd better build a better system and/or improve the system you have currently now that is not getting you the desired results.

Of course, the test for a good system lies strictly in the evidence, of the results it produces.  If we think a particular system will work to get what we want and then in reality it does not do that, then the system is not a good system - and, of course, it should be changed.  

And it should be changed, tweaked, upgraded, revised, adjusted until it produces our desired result.  If we don't do that then we are operating as if "stupid" (actually in ignorance, because we do not yet know better - and the purpose of these writings are to hopefully have you "know better" so that you can operate better to produce better results and a great life in total).


When asked the question, "Keith, why hasn't my life been better?", usually accompanied with a statement like "what's wrong with me?", I answer that it is strictly because they had not yet learned (become aware of) to correct the actions and thinking that caused the bad result so then they did not do the necessary correction, upgrade, adjustments - so they were left with a life that did not work well.  And I point to the "secret" that causes one to Live Life As A Life Champion.

Yes, there are a few people who will then. after reading the above, do nothing different.  However, person who has asked that question is acting in a proactive manner and wants to get a better result - and normally will do what is necessary to understand what is necessary to understand in order to move forward.

And, as in any case and as in the mechanical physical reality of the world, those who "see" the reality then do "the reality behavior" that consists of 1) learning the knowledge needed to do it better and 2) installing it and testing it until it works to produce the desired result.

Since they will learn that they must follow ALL of the steps for effective learning and for revising the system that will produce the right result, they inevitably, if they persist, actually GET the right result!

And life gets better and better as they do this more and more.  They accumulate systems that work better in life so that life works better!


Those who do not have a better life just leave the same old problems in existence and waste their lives fighting the problems and fixing the damages instead of doing the much more effective and efficient extinction of the cause of the problem.  The latter gets to have a problem-free life, while most "normal' folks get to live a hard, problem-filled life.  The latter not only get the bad results in the actual real physical world but they also get to have "problem emotions" that are negative and often deeply felt - fear, ongoing anxiety, the need for escape and "relief", etc. - and those bad feelings get repeated over and over and over - and they have no real life - at least not one that comes anywhere close to the potential that life has.

And the solutions are not "hard" to come by, as they are all "just mechanical", very doable.  They just need to actually be engaged in as often as possible, in those seemingly brief windows in time where we are alert, energetic, clear thinking, and able to focus with concentrated effort on setting up the systems that work and make our lives great!!!!

I invite you into the "learning lair", where you can proceed to go into this deeply enough to "get" it and then to carry it far enough that you will assure the implementation of what actually works to get the desired results in life, consistently and, also, with a lot less effort (and much reduced angst and stress).

[If you think this "theory" is ridiculous, notice that nothing else works and that you get a chance to read for a relatively small amount of time to see for yourself if it seems true.  It is, in actuality, simply a direct, provable truth, though people often want to "make up" other forces or "truths" that are preferred but never pass the truth test!]


Read the pieces linked above, so that you gain a deeper understanding.

Then you would list all (or the top ones) systems that don't work for you and then prioritize them as to which, if corrected, would have the greatest impact upon you - and then correct them one at a time going down the list to the next item, until you've finished them off.

Recall that a system is a set of steps that get one to a result.  Therefore, if a system does not work that means the a step doesn't work or the order of the steps doesn't work or something is left out that is needed to make it work.

A behavior can be incorrect and based on an incorrect belief about the result it will achieve or there could be a "bad" cause for the misbehavior such as a conflicting belief or need that gets in the way.

There can be belief systems that are wrong or an initial conclusion in a series of happenings that could be wrong.

There could be a lack of knowledge that needs to be fixed.

And, of course, we need a "system" that will help us find bad systems and to correct them.

These "systems" are provided to guide you via checklists and/or other "analysis" forms where you just need to fill in the blanks and follow the instructions.  These are listed in the following sections:
Problem solving forms (includes Psychological Problem forms), Beliefs Processing Forms, and other forms you can get to by entering the topic name plus 'forms' into the search engine on The Site.

Of course, I always recommend that people "do the work" and the learning process needed to get a good hold on what is necessary in life to create a great life.  And that is always by following The Only Sure Path To The Greatest Life.  Do that instead of just doing everything piecemeal, as you will get more long term progress faster by doing it systematically.

And, yes, it takes a lot of learning time and thinking, but the results are priceless!!!!

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