Tuesday, April 26, 2016

What's missing in the "go for it" miracle thinking? (Modify your declaration...)

(Click on the title of the post to read the entire post.)

There are bodies strewn all along the side of the "go for it" success road.  "Go for it" is a simple urging that is supposed to motivate and create - but it most often fails as it is insufficient and unrealistic in and of itself.  We do not reach higher states of existence or productivity by trying to leap over all the work that is needed to build up to the required higher state of being.

This reminds me of the famous cartoon as discussed in And Then A Miracle Happens...Wanna Bet?.  The observer says, in suggesting a substitute for the great leap of a miracle, "I think you should be more explicit here in step two (which is 'and then a miracle happens')."

It is never as simple as "be motivated", "just go for it!", "be world class", "be the best!"...

In the last post, about committing 100% to a higher way of being, many people probably experienced a retriggering of a belief about how they have always fallen short on such "affirmations" or "resolutions".  And then the primitive mind's memory coughs up an "association" with such a thing causing stress, around the idea that it is "so hard" and "I might fail".  So in that awful anticipation, one inevitably "fails" as if by predetermined magic. (Learn The Skill And Process For Effective Change.)

But whenever there are details missing from the entire process of getting from one point to another, there is always a great chance for "non-success".  One cannot in a 4 step process required to reach a specific result leave out, say, step 2, and expect the same result (except through luck, which might not be a very good strategy for running one's life!).   This is all about the simply ironclad rule of reality called "Cause And Effect", which you MUST learn and buy into!  Read 1 2 3 4 = Success - Anything Else Does Not.  And, of course, you should know that the only way to succeed is to do The Build, which is also a MUST to know and buy into! .

In a nutshell, you must "build" yourself and/or a system that has all the pieces in it to cause it to succeed or you're likely to have an unworkable strategy that will not get you to the desired result.  And, yes, it does require, always, learning 1) "how things work" and 2) "how to work them", which, of course, precedes your 3) taking actions that work!!   Duh!  But people try to skip the steps and try to get instant results.

How does this apply to the necessary "commitment to being"?

It means, for one, that you must consider the likely obstacles and have a plan/method/system for solving them!!!

Directly strengthening the positive forces or weakening the negative forces (see The Law Of Numbers And Strength) is the basic overall strategy.  And you've seen this in action as people will add to affirmations or a "vision" something like "with ease and grace".

I might add something like "I am 100% committed to making sure that I take great care of myself, my very being, my primitive brain, always assuring first that I am in The Zone of high functioning balance."

In fact, I did actually include in my "This Is Who I Am Committed To Being And To Doing, Period!" the paragraphs that follows, which are a part of my overall declarations, and being further edited:

"I am 100% committed to my being this, without excuse and without weakness of power being an excuse.  I shall handle the weakness first thing and create, as the first priority of strength and power, directly resting, recovering, renewing as needed, and not escaping or avoiding as a false means of “resting” or “relieving”.  I will not stand for anything less than holding and/or returning as needed to the high operating zone, where I can truly be alive and have the power to create all that I truly want and to be of true service to myself and to the world.  

Without compromise or taking any of this casually, I assure that my health is excellent.  Without compromise or diversion I assure that I have at least good energy all day (before the winddown).
Each day, I am 100% committed, no matter what, to doing my grounding, my moving/exercising to energize, and my planning to fully launch the day.  This is not optional nor conditional. It is a MUST for the life I insist on having.   I do this in peace and happy contentment - as the highest level purpose in my life. "  

So... keeping yourself in high emotional health is a MUST on the road to the greatest life and the pieces you've chosen to be in that life.  It is not an option.  There should not be any "suffering through it".  There must only be a channeling of energy to that which is of the greatest value - and that is the key to getting the highest "life value" cumulatively in total.

And, I would be disingenuous if I did not back this up with an actual "doing".  It seems that life works only this way:  Being --> Doing --> Having.  It is not Being --> Having... or miracles and great leaps.

A huge factor in achieving peace and living in The Zone is implementing the actions in The Daily Launch - watch the linked videos, too, but absolutely, without hesitation, put this into your life, right now, immediately, asap...and do a great job of it, for it is an essential step!  (Of course, part of that launch is reading your declaration of commitment to ways of being!!!)

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