Saturday, April 23, 2016

Try reading this every morning...and you will never go back to being less....

(Click on the title of this post to read the whole post.)

[You can, again, surf this on the surface or you can savor it deeply and extract what is possibly the greatest lesson of life.]

I ask you, if you read this "creation by yourself" every morning, could you be less than truly alive and committed to living your best life?

When we are less than who we really can create ourselves truly being, we are wallowing in the lower regions of the mechanics of our humanness, often believing that we are stuck in being less than our true capacity for being.

When we see that it is not about our ego but it is about what we can create and generate in life, we then see our true "who we can be".

So, this is what I ask:  that you create for yourself that statement of who you are committed to being in your life such that you will never be less, and live into the greatness that you, before this, had not believed you had the capacity to be.  (For truly, you actually do have that capacity, if you only but step up to being and living into that capacity, not like a bunch of positive hooeyness but as a matter of pure, true fact.  You can be the smallest possible you or someone who is a little more of your potential or you can choose being your greatest, most fulfilled, happiest self.  It is no harder being your greatest self than being your smaller selves - in fact, it is ultimately easier...and massively more rewarding.

It's your choice.

Consider doing this:

Get up every morning and read, or recite from memory, something like this:

I, this day, declare that I am a man of deep congruence and commitment.  Who I am is a man committed to being my very best, committed to improving myself always.  I am committed to being the best husband, father, brother, uncle, and heartfelt friend.  I am committed to doing my best, at home, at work and with others to inspire them to give their best as well.  I am committed to doing what I promise.  I am committed to creating a wide open space in the future that I can live into the gret posssibilities for me and my family and others. I am committed to how I can improve every aspect of my life in an effort to discover how I can best serve the world.


I am the man my wife counts on to take care of her and her children.
I am the man a business partner, or partner in anything, can absolutely count on to get the job done.
I am the man who is no longer afraid but is fearless to declare and act to create this life I am committed to.
I am the man who does whatever it takes to create that life.  .

(Aloud and with heart, perhaps even raising the power fist as you declare it to be so...)


"I request that you read this story... and find out who you want to be committed to being..."

                                                 Steve Hardison, The Ultimate Coach  
(Watch the short version, at least, of The Deuce Lutui Story.  Then I recommend that you identify what touches your heart related to who you want to be, reading the "Tributes" not as tributes per se but statements of who you, or any person who is reading this post, can be.)

I also request that you send me either in the comments section (at the end of this post) or emailing me from The Site Contact Page, so that I am enriched and so that those who read The Site page I will commit to this are enriched and inspired to actually be, truly, at a level of true substance, the person who they truly want to be.  (I will notify you when that page is ready.)

Will you do that, for yourself and for others in this world who truly want to be their greatest self?


I would recommend that you spend a considerable amount of time "deep learning" from the materials on the simple but super elegant site The Ultimate Coach.  I have addressed this, though I see I need to step this up, on The Site beginning at The Declarations page, in which I recommend you fully create who you will be and how you will live IN WRITING and then declare aloud until they are in your heart and very being and the doing of your life.

In my opinion, I see this as so important that I recommend that you spend a whole day reading and working on this.  This is, I believe, the "set up" for the rest of your life happening as you might wish it to!


There are others in the world (perhaps everyone) who can benefit from your passing on this realization of who each person can choose to be for themselves and for those they care about.

You can make a big difference from this very small mailing list on this blog, and play a role in expanding the benefits that can be created by the blog and the site.

(At the bottom of this post, click on the little envelope that has a small arrow on it and you can send a link to it, or if you received this by email just forward the email to those whom you care about who might realize the value that one can create for oneself and for those they care about. On my computer, in front of the G+1 symbol is a gobbedly-gook smooshed set of symbols which you will be able to read and use if you run your cursor over its parts: share to email, blog this, share to twitter, share to facebook, share to pinterest.  I wrote out the instructions on what to do on this page:   How To Share With Others What Is Of The Highest Value.)


This should not be an optional thing to do or not do.  It is a MUST, in my opinion, for if you don't do it (RIGHT NOW!) you will be allowing yourself to give up the truly enriched, valuable life you can live.

And I would recommend that you actually record your declaration, potentially playing it while getting ready in the morning or while driving and/or while preparing to sleep.

(It is vital that you Launch Your Day every day by starting off the day fully Grounding Yourself with a solid foundation that one can stand on for the day.)

[My appreciation and credit to Steve Hardison and to  Steve Chandler, who referred me to the Steve Hardison site.]

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