Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Beliefs are the portal to your life - and the start must be reality.

(Click on the title of the post to read the entire post.)

Beliefs essentially are what direct your life, your behavior, and your emotions.  They are the very most important determinant of life.  You cannot afford to have them be wrong and for them to continue to harm or hold back your life.

They are basically an "If I do this, then I'll get this"" or, which is actually the equivalent, "If this happens, this means this for my survival".   If we "think" a belief, then the primitive mind will automatically set things in motion based on what it believes, in a primitive way, will work to make things better - that is its job and that is what we evolved to do, rather miraculously.  (Its #1 job is to keep us in The Zone of functionality.  This is one of the Super-:Principles of life.)

Since it is essential that we get our beliefs down in a way that serves us best, we must spend the time to establish what is correct and to correct anything that is incorrect.  What else would make sense? (But people still continue to just "put up with" the bad results and emotions as if they were fixed and unchangeable - which is not in alignment with reality, at all!!!!!  They are totally changeable, especially since we made them up in the first place, either from input or from "reasoning" often at a lower level of thinking!)

The question comes up, once we realize that we must correct our beliefs, "Where do I start?"

Of course, we would definitely want to solve any of our worst beliefs as soon as possible, using the process of identifying them and then learning what is true, then replacing them with what is true and workable, fully installing them.  While that is strictly due to going after what is most important and most pressing first, we must also realize that that approach will be helpful but not "optimal", since we will likely not have developed this skill yet at a high enough level.   (Even without having become skilled at the correction process, we can benefit by just using the forms provided to carry you through the process.)

So, in building the skill, we must always start at the beginning:  Learn what reality is.  Then we can compare reality to our beliefs - and know that a belief is wrong if it does not align with reality.  Note that you spot an erroneous belief simply by noticing "the sign", which is that they produce a negative emotion.  That is a great way to identify bad beliefs, so please do read The Reality Reading Sequence (the whole thing!).

Notice that the first part of the sequence is called "Reality", with several pieces to read in it.

But notice that that section is followed with another essential piece about the skill of Discerning Truth Vs Untruth.  Is that not, also, essential?  (Think about it.  Decide whether you will, for sure, not miss doing that essential!  It will serve you well your whole life - and also make a huge positive difference!)


"Only a fool will tolerate that which continues to do him harm.

The wise, and happy, man is he who has the excellence standard of immediately correcting anything that is not working to produce the results he wants in his life."

                                                               The BuddhaKahuna

You become a Life Champion by doing that which works and immediately fixing what does not work - and you spend NO TIME at all in negative criticism or blame, as that has been shown to not work to produce the results we want in life (though many people still, falsely, believe that it does...!??!.)

If you spend but a comparatively small amount of time upfront, doing this correction process, it will pay off magnificently in actually saving lots of time AND it will make life a lot easier - and I mean ALOT!!!

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