Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Unless yous solve the "noise" going on in your brain, you cannot have a happy, successful life

(Click on the title to see the entire post.)


We, including me for alot of my life, tend to try to ignore the familiar noises going on in our brain,

"Noise" is cacophonous sounds with no real signal or clarity of meaning, real content of value - i.e. tit is generalized, vague garbage of no value!  A common phrase used in communication is the noise to signal ratio.  Noise is useless and distracting. And if you don't have emotional space left to hear the signals in life, you will not navigate life well.

But if the constant noise is negative and draining then we have a super detractor from life.  To continue to live with that noise is a bit like condemning yourself to a level of hell and preventing yourself from being productive and happy.

If you live a life of anxiety, you are letting that occupy your mind and letting it take away your energies and what else you could do better with the time.


Sure, I accomplished alot from society's point of view, but I did it driven by fear and anxiety, not out of desire.  That anxiety got in the way and forced my body/mind system to divert to trying to solve it.  I sporadically would read articles or books or even talk to psychologists or take seminars, but I was so busy that I didn't actually complete the process to a satisfactory level - I still lived with the anxiety and fear implicit in anxiety.  Bottom line is that I left it there, I left it in place, I left myself in a position of having to get "relief" from it alot of the time, sucking alot of my life into a huge vortex of wasted energy - and that displaced what else I could have done with so much more time freed up for what is truly of value for me.

One fellow I know of is so anxious (and driven) that, though highly intelligent, he can't really think, understand, or implement much in his life - he should not tolerate that even one iota, as it is ruining his life.  I hope he follows through on my recommendation for the intensive program I recommend below - or he'll still live with the same anxiety monster for the rest of his life!

JOB # 1

If you are living a life of stress and/or anxiety, then it is Job #1 to first solve that by any means possible, through great resources, at whatever (wisely spent) cost necessary to "complete" the process.  You should be able to live most days without any real anxiety (your goal for the program is to reach virtual Fearlessness, eliminating 98-99+% of fears, which is the percentage that are false and/or meaningless.)

You can follow (and let me know how to improve it) the program on the website: The Master Program For Learning And Mastering Emotional Management - The Most Vital Of All!  (Yes, it does take time, but every single thing done has enormous future payoffs.)

What I recommend most highly, with a substantial cost (like a nice vacation), is an intensive dive into removing the false beliefs that are driving your false fears and false anxieties.  If you can, do the process at The Hoffman Institute as this will give you a huge leap forward in managing your emotional life and freeing you up from the prison that your beliefs hold you in and from repeating the hell of the same anxieties over and over and over - and you'll be free of shame and guilt.  And if you don't do this intensive, you will be likely not to make much progress, as the emotion management program will get shoved aside, probably forever.

Put this in place near the top of your to do list and leave it there until you actually start the project, in which case a key "to do" on that project will be high on the master to do list.

It is the most important thing you can do in your life!!!


Bon voyage in this greatest journey of your life time!


Also, this improves relationships!!!!

You will be more present and by far less defensive and self concerned and you'll be able to "hear" more of what the other person says, verbally and in body language and emotions.  You'll connect better and much, much deeper.  Your relationships will be transformed!

You will also be able to give more to the other person, because you will not have an emotionally depleted psychological tank (from the huge total amount of withdrawals used up to handle anxieties).

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