Friday, October 21, 2016

Not correcting bad core beliefs is "fatal" to one's life

(Click on the title of this post to see the entire post.)


A while back, a very conscientious good person asked me what was it she did that caused her life not be so good now.

I answered "stopping short".  Stopping short of doing that which was needed to make life better.  Not learning enough to be truly able to use what is useful in life.

But the biggest mistake or cause of not having the life we could have is actually just not correcting bad core beliefs that keep on causing life problems and "not feeling good".  (Generally, the biggest mistake is leaving "mistakes" in place, meaning not correcting the cause of them, as soon as possible! You cannot live the greatest life without doing this - if you want to be a Life Champion, you must do this!)

So, I'm implying here either that people just do not start AND/or do not complete the process necessary to reach the solution and the end-point results desired.


We must never, ever, ever allow a core belief that is causing us to feel ongoing anxiety and/or fear and/or any negative, life depleting emotion.

Such a belief is not to be tolerated as a "well, that's just normal" or "well, I just can't seem to solve it.  It's just me."

Nonsense!  Boulderdash!  Bullbleep!

One cannot afford to leave those in place AND it is absolutely true that you CAN correct those beliefs.  Yes, you have to persist until finished, but the good result is guaranteed if you but commit to finishing it.

Why would anyone choose to not address a core belief that is causing continuing anxiety, frequent guilt and/or shame, hesitance, loss of psychological brain space, lowered productivity, excessive self focus...?

I hope that you put at the top of your project/task list to get rid of any of those core beliefs that are ongoingly harmful!

And that you do it as fast and as diligently as possible, focusing on it until completed (and only otherwise doing the musts to keep one's life going, but nothing else).

The interesting thing about this process is that other great benefits pop up in the learning and applying of what you learn.  Getting rid of one's bad core belief actually ends up resulting in learning so very much else that will benefit one's life.

If you want to do it the fastest way, you'll want to focus on it as much as possible, doing no other optional thing until it is completed, extinguished, transformed!   Immersion days or weeks or 4 hour periods help speed things up dramatically.

Of course, doing it right, using the right strategy is important.  Either follow a guiding program and/or use coaches, consultants and/or super-expert immersion workshops.

Since this is about core beliefs, you might want to finish this off very quickly and very well by doing The Hoffman Institute one week belief correction workshop.

Are you going to commit to solving this or will you leave it in place such that it continues to "ruin" your life (or make it much worse than it need be?

It is, indeed, foolish to leave the monster in your cave instead of slaying it!!!


On this site, for self study and following:   The Fear Management Program. (And Anxiety And The Anxiety Cure - An Emotion Widely Felt, But Simply Reducible.)

Link to The Hoffman Institute and do that program if you can afford it - it is priceless.  Don't fool yourself by thinking this will not be more than worth it.  I think it is essential!  Watch this 11 minute video: The Hoffman Process Changes Lives.

From the site page linked on this site:  "Unless you straighten out these false viewpoints, you cannot gain a solid core of confidence and personal power in your life.  For all in the workshops there is an acceptance of oneself even as a child and then an acceptance of the whole of the life process.  And ultimately, you come out the other end with a much greater understanding of life and how to live it, including how to be self compassionate and self trusting and very, very happy!  This is at the core of all life wisdom - and it is a core you must have."

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