Thursday, October 6, 2016

The only great road to a great life: first, is "emotional management"

(Click on the title of the post to read the entire post.)

Until you can understand how emotions work and then how to work them, you will be subject to being run by your dinosaur brain and limited to the fact that we have not evolved for the last 10,000 years.  Our impulses and instincts are those that fit the world 10,000 years ago.  And many of them are not useful, with some of them in fact being harmful for today's world.

Unless one learns to manage one's belief system and its interactions with our emotions and then to manage the emotions, one cannot live an effective life that one is in charge of!


Emotions managed -->  Self control learned and implemented --> Everything else can be done!

Everything else can be done easily, including effective learning, effective thinking, effectiveness in relationship, success in life - everything can be accomplished.  If the first two parts of the causal chain in life are not sufficiently mastered, you will have difficulties with making much forward progress.

If you do those first two, then you can manage to direct your energies to what is best for you. (That is the definition of "self control".)


If you don't sufficiently master those, you will be handicapping your ability to be effective and happy in life.  If you stop short of completing the pieces of either of these, your life, too, will fall short of what you really want.


You just cannot live a great life if you have some emotional obstacle, like anxiety, shame, guilt, needing others approval, fearing others not approving of you, defensiveness, etc.  It is not possible  to live life even close to fully if you don't thoroughly replace those with what works.

You cannot live a great life if you do not have great self control - not the struggle or steely determination type of "control", but the smart directing of one's energies for one's best benefit instead of being stuck in dinosaur instincts that are not valid anymore (though they did save your life in the caveman days! ).  (The book I am writing right now is The Self Control book, as I realized that one reason a certain individual was stuck in life was that he could know everything but he couldn't get much of anything implemented or completed effectively.  He was disabled by anxiety, shame, guilt, confusion, not having things laid out clearly, and just plain old fear.  He was one of the "bright" people, who were "stopped" by his own emotions and lack of ability to manage his emotions.)

I do not want any of you to be stuck at a level below that which you can certainly attain in life.  And you, again, can only get to the level of at least rapid growth only by mastering the management of emotions and by mastering self control!!!!

Bon voyage (to those who choose this path!),


Start, and don't stop before  sufficient mastery, with the reading related to and in the Program For Emotion Management.  By the time you finish that, I will be ready with the path that will assure that you can gain great, freeing self control.  Before the book comes out, though, you can get the idea from the readings and links on the website - but don't jump to those until you have first gained "sufficient mastery" of your beliefs and emotions!!!

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