Saturday, December 31, 2016

How Best To Live Life? "Shooting The Curl"

(Click on the title of the post to read the entire post.)

The best way to live life lies in living in "the sweet spot", Buddha's "the middle way", and "shooting the curl".

Excerpted from a piece on the site:

"In a tennis racket and in life, people endeavor to "hit the sweet spot".   In the tennis racket it is the area where you get the most bounce (speed) and control.  In life, it is that balance in life where you get the rewards by using what pays off in life, while avoiding the "outer edges" where the risks and problems occur.  (A "surfer" might live the "good life" of sun, fun, and adventure, but would have troubles with financial and shelter issues.  In contrast, the excessively working overachiever may have lots of money but also lots of life stress and a poor quality of life experience.  Which one is the best?  Neither, as the balanced middle way is dramatically better!  The person who learns Life Value Productivity is able to rise to "the middle", from the "laid back" life, by making the gains much easier to do, while having plenty of time for oneself!)

And, so, again (as you'll note keeps popping up and being repeated over and over in my posts), we return to the super key principle of choosing the "highest marginal return" at the time.  Living by this principle will have the greatest impact on your life of all you can do

"In Life Value Productivity, it is doing that which has the highest payoffs per unit of your time, including being sure not to incur the costs of stress and anxiety or suffering.  This is our key strategy for getting the most out of our lives with the least unjustified cost!"

(My book by that title is here:  My Life Value Productivity System.)

Finding your "sweet spot" in life is well worth the effort to do the planning and thinking and designing.  After all, this IS your very life that is at stake here - can you afford to waste any of it not living in the sweet spot???? 

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