Sunday, January 1, 2017

What do you do most? "Perfect it"!!!!!

(Click on the title of the post to read the entire post.)

As in my book My Life Value Productivity System, I suggest that you list the five to ten things you do most in life (that have the most impact on your life).

Those are repeated so very often that even a small increase in how well we do it will have huge impact on our lives.  (Multiply anything by a 1,000 or 25,000 and you get a big impact!)

The obvious here is to note what we do "in the background of life" and to give it the proper place of importance in our lives.

So, here is my list, for me, of what I do most:

1.  Think - So I might as well get good at this!

2.  Repeat thoughts (regurgitate patterns of neurons resulting in feelings and actions) - We commonly call many of these things by the name "beliefs", which are always at the core of life!!!

 a.  Repeat false fears/anxieties (we can eliminate 99% of fears with the truth test approach)

 b.  Repeat behaviors based on false premises (including reacting on "impulses")

c.  Repeat bad feelings (and good ones, too)

3.  Consume (eat, drink)

4.  Sleep

5.  Learn

6.  Come up with good choices (Make choices, decisions, solve problems, figure out ways to get what we want - all the same process)

7.  Use "ways of proceeding" in our "doing" ("Procedures", systems, checklists, routines) - While this applies to the 6 items above this one, we also want to chose what is most impactful and/or repeated in order to see what to make better.

8.  Experience life as good or bad - Learn what leads to the most happiness, life satisfaction, fulfillment.

9.  Work for money (or, for me, it is now just for satisfaction/fulfillment/meaning)

10.. Interact with other people - Might actually be worth becoming a true student and master of this!

Actually at the top of the list is "live life, have experiences" (fulfill The Purpose Of Life), but the above items are what determine those experiences.

I've asked one individual who is frantically scattered and always living in anxiety to identify his top priorities, but, as with most of us, he was like a fish in water.  A fish in water will get so used to being in water that he no longer "sees" it.

What do you think his number one priority would be?

Perhaps to solve the anxiety problem, and therein many of the problems it creates in life,

The obvious is often so obvious that we do not see it.

So it is as humans just living life.

We need to engage the Human Brain (the higher brain) to take over for the Chimp Brain (the primitive mind, the "monkey mind") in order to design and decide what we will do about those top 10.   (This process is often called the "Executive" function.  Indeed, it is the source of being able to effectively "execute" what is needed to get the results/effects we want in life.)

So...will you consider this and do your own list ... and then build the learning and implementing into your schedule (and tickle system)?

Admittedly, it will take time, but you'll soon find that you will have freed up huge amounts of time taken up by mistakes, problems, and inefficiencies of doing those top 10.  This means that the process will not "take time" away from your life, but it will "create more time" for what it is you most want to do and find most rewarding!

Oh, and one of the benefits is that your life will be largely problem free (as problems will melt away quickly), fear free, largely mistake free (or it will no longer be of concern),...and it'll be full of great stuff!

Please don't stop short on achieving "sufficient" mastery to be very effective in each.


You could follow the links above and learn to fully utilize the site.

You could do The Build, as a way of life, and follow The Only Sure Path To The Greatest Life.

You could peruse the site and list down what strikes you as possibly being useful and then put the list into the order that best reflects a good path for you.

I hope you follow through, as this IS your very life - it is the one thing that will determine the value you will get out of life!

[Estimated time for this:  15 minutes to 50 hours to... - With all of it super highly impactful!  If you are to be at least a level I master of life, you must engage fully in the learning process and the implementation process!]



If you found this to be of value and believe it could be of value to other progressive minded people, please share it with others.  Just click on the envelope below the post to share it with another person(s).


The Secret To Having All You Want In Life... - It will make the above a lot easier!

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