Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Well-Being: Life Satisfaction, Resiliency To Stress, And Ability To Focus - What score do you have?

(Click on the title of this post to read the entire post.)


It is my contention that no one should stop or slow down their rate of "Life Learning" (learning about how to manage life and oneself to attain high well-being) until they at least attain an 8 on a scale of 10 in what calls in their assessment rating questionnaire the "resilience test" (take it):

1.  Satisfaction with life:  "Measures your level of satisfaction with the circumstances of your life. A high score means that you feel content, fulfilled, and grateful for your life circumstances most of the time. A lower score indicates that you feel there are significant aspects of your life that could be changed for the better. 

To enhance your overall life satisfaction, LIFE XT recommends the practice of daily meditation, inquiry, and gratitude." Satisfaction is derived, methinks, from what I am calling the four components to happiness

2.  Resiliency to stress: "Measures your perceived stress around the challenges that arise in life. A high score means that you feel confident in your ability to take on challenges and rarely feel overwhelmed or burdened by stress. A lower score (anything under 5) means that you are experiencing high levels of stress, which may impact your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. 

To enhance your resiliency to stress, LIFE XT recommends the practice of daily meditation, movement, relationships, and engagement."  The greatest "source" of stress is actually misbeliefs, for which the only known cure is to correct those beliefs in a process of inquiry, determining what is correct, and then replacing them - there is no other (miracle) way. 

3.  Focus:  "Measures your ability to sustain your attention on a single object of concentration. A high score means that you spend the bulk of your day feeling both present to the moment and finding it easy to sustain your attention on the task at hand. A low score means that you easily slip into the traps of distraction and mind wandering. 

To enhance your focus, LIFE XT recommends the practice of daily meditation, presence, and engagement."  Note that it is not possible to "be present" if one is engaged in fears, anxiety, and/or self-concern most of the time!  Solving those is the key cornerstone to creating a greater life.

There is a good book that one should use at least until the point of "some" mastery on the key practices: Start Here - Master The Lifelong Habit Of Well-Being. (Please do not wait based on the hope that you will, in the future, make a heroic leap to wisdom, great self discipline, or life somehow working out on its own!!!!  A human being can only rise in the levels of being by building the  supporting structure to do so. 


Indeed, why would a person stop short of intensely learning life before he could assure the greatest life?  

It would appear that only a fool or a person not fully informed would quit too early and/or not do enough to make life better as fast and early as possible.  The problem, of course, is not the basic human being, but the lack of, or insufficiency of, sufficient information to have one see "the why" and the arguments for it.  The results is that we are not motivated to do what is "smart" and the most crucial thing we can do in life.

Of course, if one does not see a clear path for life learning, one is likely to not stay on any path of learning.  So the challenge for me is to create such a path for people to follow and stay on until the destination..  For now (until the book is written), one might start with The Only Sure Path To The Greatest Life

Often a person is "too busy" to "have the time".  (See Busy, Busyness, Lack Of Time - And Lack Of Success In Life.) 

He basically needs to know that he needs to drop all lower value things other than what it takes to keep one's life together.  The "skill" to apply here is actually a "practice" also, as discussed in my book on the subject, wherein one "frees up the time" first and foremost, and then commits it to life learning.  See Life Value Productivity on the site.  

The irony is that taking the time to "learn life" actually frees up time. See The Time Freed Up By Learning Life And Solving All Of Your Problems!!


The minimum amount of time need to make progress is 5 hours per week. (Read How To Find The Time For Life Improvement - There's Lots Of Time And You'll Get More Spare Time.)  [Just block out the time on your calendar!  Right now! And then keep it on your calendar until you've reached the right level!]

Will you follow through such that you score at least an 8 on each of these?  

If not, let me know what is needed and/or what is the missing piece for you.  (Contact)

Also, if anyone can suggest a better way to persuade people to take the steps necessary on the path of life learning, please forward your suggestion and/or book/article that does a better job of it.   (Thank you!!!)

If you know of any person who is interested in creating the greatest life for themselves and others, simply click on the white envelope below this post and share it with them.

Thank you.

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