Thursday, July 6, 2017

How And Why Did You Learn To Behave The Way You Do

(Click on the title of the post to see the entire piece.)

In a huge fit of "non-thinking", we let our primitive lower brains and the beliefs we learned as a non-logical 3 year old, 6 year old, and in other immature years tell us how "bad" we are for behaving (and thinking) as we do.

But that is utter nonsense.

If one but learns The Elementary Physics Of Life (and/or How The Mind Works), one would know that the "who that we are" today is only a mere physical product of the earlier causes in our life - and that we are not to blame for them.  This takes a little bit of learning to fully "get" that this is an indisputable truth, but once you "get" it fully, then you are freed from your irrational criticism (and the incredibly nonsensical "getting mad at oneself"!).  Read, and fully "get", Zero Fault - Just Not Knowing, Yet.... - this is a core concept that you must understand and learn and embrace or you cannot have a truly happy life!


The organizers at TED tried for years to get the reigning expert in human behavior to do a talk at a TED conference.  Watch this video (about 16 minutes long) and see how we are "constructed" to be as we are, as humans and as individually, and why we behave the too often "irrational" ways that we do:

The Biology Of Our Best And Worst Selves - Robert Sapolsky

There is always a causal chain for everything.  And that includes our brains and what is in them.

Although he is talking about biology here, note that some psychology comes in.  After we are born our psychology is "shaped" by what we learn, or don't learn, for we all start off with little more than a few simplistic, animal-level instincts and a miraculous power to think and learn.  However, you start off on a path undetermined by yourself, but by circumstances and which parents you have and the opportunities you have and the people you are influenced by (often not at all by choice).

Indeed, given your random start, from there what is true is that Your Path Is Your Only Attainable Path, unless....  


Often unfortunately, one will stay on the same exact path for life, UNLESS there is a strong intervening "force" that changes that trajectory.  That force is always the desire to change (for a reason) and the realization that you need to learn better how to do some key thing(s) in life.

Those who are most fortunate are those who learn that to have a much better life one must learn how to have a better life.  (Duh! Of course!)   The historic best of all college basketball coaches, John Wooden, says that to be good at something we have to gain a knowledge of and the ability to properly and quickly execute the fundamentals."

When those who "see the light" do begin to put the learning mode into place, old misleading beliefs and unuseful behaviors disappear, only to be replaced by well-learned and/or well thought out beliefs and behaviors.  That, in turn, of course, leads to dramatically better results in one's life.

Realizing that one must intervene in one's own life is the "transforming" epiphany that changes all of one's life.  And, of course, that is only possible through learning new and better information about how your mind and body work, how life works, and, additionally, how to work them.  (See Allocating My Time To Life Learning/Implementation, to see how it looks.)

That is your mission in life, wherein you will be proactively learning and reshaping your life to fulfill the ultimate purpose of living in full confidence, fully experiencing ongoing durable non-contingent deep happiness.

Hopefully, the video, and perhaps a link or two herein,  made a difference in your understanding of how things work.

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A great way to solve problems:  Using The "Full Causal Chain Process" To Solve Problems - How To Be More Effective, Smarter, And Live A Better Life.

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