Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Contemplative reflection - a few blogs that forward your thinking in life...and appreciation of life.

Blogs can be a reminder of some good things about life and, sometimes, can provide us with something that will improve our lives and our happiness.  If we pick specific ones of value, we far outstrip what comes from Facebook or such.  Of course, some days we just glance at a blog and the subject is not relevant or interesting, but the idea is that we are given the exposure to many possibilities that could add something to our lives or thoughts for the day - if it is a high quality blog.

Among those worth possibly considering:

Maria Shriver's Sunday Paper.  She reflects deeply on life, politics, the world, in an open, revealing, honest, authentic way.  I like her insights/comments in this linked post.  I copied a few paragraphs and inserted them at the end of this post.

Farnam Street blog ("Mastering the best of what other people have already figured out") - In-depth, thinking, books, philosophy, effectiveness...causes one to think more...

Excerpt from Shriver's blog:

"What did I learn? Well, during this period of reflection, I realized that I was carrying some beliefs that no longer served me and, for sure, weren’t bringing me joy. I also looked hard at some opinions that I came to discover weren't my own. Then, in [Marie] Kondo style, I trashed them. Yup, I put those beliefs and/or opinions in a folder and got them out of my mental space.

I cleared out the self-defeating language, negative beliefs and harsh judgments that had been my companions for too long. They pushed me for a long time, but they no longer served me. Lo and behold, when I cleared them all away, I found my joy. I also strengthened my relationship with my faith and with my God. I threw out old beliefs that made me think of God as a punishing, mean, and shaming power. I replaced them with the image and belief of a non-judgmental, forgiving, caring, and loving God—one who accepts me and others as we are and who guides us to a better place.

I also challenged myself to go through my days with a different perspective about work and its larger-than-life role in my life. These intentions may not have brought about any dramatic changes that are visible to someone else’s eye, but they did bring about small ones that I can feel, and that’s big to me. I learned that I could step away from social media for awhile and, lo and behold, it would keep going on without me. That's important to remember the next time you think you have to stop whatever you're doing and comment online. You don't.
As I watched the news in our world unfold (OMG), there were so many moments that reminded me how blessed I am...."


Remarkable: The Man Who Saved Children - watch this short video, very touching...

And I couldn't resist the insight in this piece A new iphone?...

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