Monday, November 13, 2017

Living life in control of what you think? Or by default...???? Great commencement address, and discussion!

Controlling this is “Job 1” in life - and the most important determinant of your happiness and quality of life.  It needs to be done as soon as possible - and as completely as possible, though most people just do small forays into it, leaving damaging thinking in place.

This video “nails” down how to live a better life, one that is conscious and aware instead of lived by default (aka Living In The Drift).

This Is Water (22:43), David Foster Wallace, commencement address.

We live our lives with blindly certain closed-mindedness, not realizing much of what we believe is wrong and uncertain (much of which will lead us into living lesser lives).

We live accordingly to our default hard-wiring in our head, being its slave instead of its master.  We, at least to a large degree, go through life dead, unconscious, controlled by default thinking and meaninglessness - full of boredom, routine, and petty matters - IF we don’t make a conscious decision on what to think about and how to think

But those who choose to do the work of adjusting that hard-wiring will be “well-adjusted”, and aware and much more conscious and causative of life, in control over how and what they think - instead of lost in abstract, often negative, thoughts.

Those who live consciously and deliberately decide what has meaning and what doesn’t - and then they adjust what they do in life accordingly, living much fuller, much more meaningful, satisfying lives.  They avoid being “eaten alive” by false meanings and goals and untested beliefs.

The choice lies between unthinking, automatic, default, unconscious thinking, being a slave of a non-thinking mind, versus living in real freedom, directing your attention and intentionally being fully aware.


Of course, the first thing to do in any area, always, is to learn the fundamentals of

1.  How things work, then
2.  How to work them (to get the outcome you want!)

Essential reading would include The Believing Brain book, but the quick fundamentals of the book could be “gotten” by reading on the site The Believing Brain summary.

Then, also on the site, Thought Management - The Program For Learning And Implementation, which has a few linked pieces that will tie the fundamentals together.

The actual revision of one’s beliefs is a “one at a time” task, at first.  But what actually occurs is that, once a basic core belief is changed, that many other beliefs based on the core belief begin to fall away like dominoes, freeing oneself forever from the repeating negativity of such beliefs.  See The Program For Upgrading Your Beliefs.

You’ve probably stabbed at altering a few beliefs, but then stopped short of completion.  This time I recommend that you totally conquer the ones that have you feeling bad or less powerful - and that you don’t leave a single harmful one in place to plague your life over the years!

Of course, to do so, you need a path to follow.  I've provided some paths (above) on the site.  Just follow those instead of starting from scratch and figuring it all out yourself (which usually gets dropped early in the process, never providing completion).

The rare individual, the one who will absolutely live a great life, will choose to do his/her background life-learning to form a solid foundation for life, using the to-the-point-quickly reading sequence in The Only Sure Path To The Greatest Life.  (If you have glanced at this piece before, I recommend that you re-look and that you commit to completing it.  It will provide a platform upon which you can construct an effective, happy life on a super strong foundation based on what is true and workable in life.)

Yes, few will do the work.  But those few who do will have a powerful impact on the world, both internally and on others.

Will you step up and consciously, avidly construct the life that will truly work for you - and not stop short (this time) of creating that base from which you can truly launch a great life?!?


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