Monday, February 18, 2019

Checklists, to master the world, using our “outside brain”

(In email, click on the post title in order to read the entire post.) 

We mistakenly think we can keep it all inside our head.  We take memory classes to cram in more.  We rely on our brain to keep lots of data and to prompt us when needed.

So, the question goes, “How’s that working for ya?”

It’s time, for everyone, to start using our “outside brain” (information organized for excellent referenceability when needed.  (See also How To Structure Your Outside Brain For A Much More Powerful Life.)

And the first, every powerful thing we need to do is to religiously start devising and using checklists.

Obviously not for the purpose of dealing with the elementary (such as “how to sharpen a wooden pencil), it is a way to document, for later use, a system that needs to be followed in order to get a great result.  If we keep it in our heads only, our success rate is likely to be nowhere near what it would be otherwise than if you followed a step by step process - making sure you didn’t skip any vital steps and that you didn’t do a wrong step.  [Everything that happens in the universe happens as a system: a series of sequential steps that lead to a result.  Once you accept that fact, you can use systems to dramatically, hugely upgrade your life (and, of course, your business!)!!!  (See Systems - The Core Of Life And Getting Results discussion.)]

If you've ever said, on something important, "how could I be so stupid as to not do that?!!!?", then you should know that you could have avoided that with a checklist on the matter.

This applies to:

Business contracts and closing the deal
Psychological counseling (yes, that is a set of systems, where the psychologist gets lazy and forgets a step or a refinement)
Any process in life that you want to get a desired result from - any process!
Productivity, management of tasks (the use of forms can be the equivalent of a checklist)

And there is a side benefit to constructing the checklist for use later.  As you construct it, you are forced to think through and refine each of the steps, so that you will have improved the system itself.

Try this, religiously, for anything where the desired result matters (even love making, but refer to it before or after, not during) and you want the best system and you want to execute it the best way.  I emphasize, super strongly, that you should have a really excellent, complete checklist for anything that really matters, even if you believe you have it all down in your head or your habits - this is a core practice essential to creating any great business, and, amazingly enough, any great life!

Never, ever have to say again "I shoulda done that!" or "I shoulda thought o' that!"

And you'll live a much better, well running life, with no problems (as you will have solved them all while devising the checklist components).

[You would, of course, keep it in your "operating manual" (for life, with one also for business!]


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