Saturday, October 12, 2019

Reading widely and being creative in creating the best career for you

If you’re “older” (over 35) and you are seeking the best career for yourself or in “job transition” (currently an unemployed “consultant”), then, methinks, it is best to start your new search by being creative from the highest perspective first.

That means you would use the classic What Color Is Your Parachute? book for sure, but that you would read the HBR Guide To Changing Your Career - Stop Settling, Explore Possibilities, And Make The Switch.

Yes, it is a compilation of inch-deep articles by knowledgeable individuals, but it is also a beginning for a roadmap that can be constructed more deeply by following the authors “down the rabbit hole” to more depth - perhaps to books, perhaps to more in-depth articles, and perhaps even to courses or workshops by them, perhaps to...

For instance, from Brian Fetherstonhaugh’s short article, you would consider his book The Lonfg View: Career Strategies to Start Strong, Read High, And Go Far (he is global chief talent officer of the Ogilvy Group.). Or Bill Barnett’s book The Strategic Career: Let Business Principles Guide You.

It is true that this will require you to sift through and to be willing to jump into the confusion of too many concepts and how to apply them - but isn’t that the very talent you are selling to your employer: to talk all the disparate facts out there and to put them together in an organized manner into strategies that work (and being willing to be in ambiguity land and vagueness, persisting all the way through to where it begins to make sense and then on to creating something of value from it all?

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