Thursday, June 15, 2017

Are you a "belief fool"?

(In an email, click on the title of the post to read the rest of the post.)

(You may have heard this before...  If you have heeded it, then congratulations on transforming your life.  If you haven't, I hope you will fully engage in getting the great results from the processing of beliefs.)


Beliefs determine our lives and our emotions (and our behaviors).  They are at the very foundation of human life.

Leaving the wrong ones in place destroys our lives .  

Therefore, only a fool (or unknowing person) will not examine and determine the validity of each (important) belief.   [Even Socrates tried to make the point: The Unexamined Life Is Not Worth Living - Why?.]

How can anyone, knowingly, accept running their lives on unsound beliefs?  (How do you spot an unsound belief?  It is any thought that has bad results in the real world or in the emotional world. (See The Program.)


The "smart" person will do "the smart thing": 

1.  Work on what has the most impact in his/her life
2.  Go to that which works much better and most powerfully to gain what is wanted and needed.  

The answer to part 1 is obvious.  The answer to 2 is to do the intensive at The Hoffman Institute

The dumb person would not do very much and would leave the misbeliefs mostly in place - and the results would be obvious: 

"Dr. Grebel's work is built around two interrelated themes: l) the important assertion that our belief systems organize our mental life and 2) the less grounded in reality our belief systems are, or in Dr. Grebel's words, the less evidence based they are, the more they can disrupt our lives and lead us to engaging in behavior that is either destructive to ourselves or to others." (From a review of Reality Check: In The Battle Against Reality, Reality Always Wins.)


I would say it is worth several hundred hours, at least, since it is the foundation of each human's life.

However, that is too big a pill to swallow, so you might begin with 30 hours "intensive" over a month or two.  And then see if you wanted to do more on something else of high enough life impact.

In that time you will clean up a few of the major misbeliefs, which will in turn cause some of  the beliefs, that are depending on a misbelief, to be destroyed.  (You might begin here: The Program For Upgrading Your Beliefs.)

Or better yet, do the extensive deeper intensive at The Hoffman Institute and transform your life in a week....

Bon voyage!


(Perhaps, like Don Quixote, I will keep jousting with this windmill, until I finally make the point and get the result...)

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If you find any better resources, please share them with us:  Contact.

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