Saturday, August 5, 2017

Are mysterious forces running one's life or are we "100% in charge"?

(Click on the title of this post to see the entire post.)


Those who create "mysterious forces" as being "the cause" of what happens are giving away their true personal power - and their very lives.

The only way to a great life is through seeing life as something you are 100% in charge of.

That does not mean that you are omnipotent, though.  We humans all must operate in life within the bounds of physics - and then use physics to gain what we want - and not just be a passive victim of it.  
It's a bit like Werner Erhard's story about a person lying on the freeway and cursing the cars as they run over him, bump, bump...bump, bump....  The idea is that most people are living their lives that way.   But, he suggests that we, instead, get up and walk off of the freeway... (Duh!)


The other day, a person I was talking with suggested that she was basically helpless in that she was overtaken with the urge for a food/sugar binge and now suffering from the post-crash.  She said "I know you don't believe in mysterious forces, but that is what overtook me."   

Well, no, I acknowledge that there are forces we may not understand (so that they are still a mystery as to how they work), but I do think that we should not explain the unknowable or unknown with an explanation we make up - and then, amazingly, forget the non-thinking creation of it and hold it as "the truth".  

That false "truth" would naturally lead one into not realizing that one is 100% in charge of one's life (though not in control of all forces).  

Indeed, there are no "mysterious forces" that are entities with an intentional, intelligent willpower and agency.  


There are only mechanical forces that we can seek to understand and then manipulate for our best life results. (They always occur according the realities of the physics of life - in an identifiable causal chain.  

The "forces" of her "having to" eat a bunch of sugar are simply part of a sequence, where one has not yet adequately determined an alternative strategy for dealing with the "problem" (the gap between how we're feeling and how we want to feel). 

In dealing with this myself, in my testing of the concepts in self control, I see that what occurs before any "compelling" cause of behavior is a sense of anxiety (or a physical tiredness or low blood sugar) that the body/mind must correct in order to get back into the well-functioning range.  It is simply the mechanism of "homeostasis"-seeking behavior that evolved into us over time - it is a bit of the "physics of the body" or, in other words, the pre-determined mechanics of the body.  

When we are lower on the functionality scale, we often revert to "animal like behavior", for which we roundly criticize ourselves (believing that criticism does some good, which it doesn't).  What we actually need is a well-thought out pre-decided strategy on what to do to get back in balance! this process, I must recognize the "signal" (a "feeling") that there is something to possibly deal with and then decide if I need to deal with it (instead of being passively reactive to it, as if it were an order instead of just an impulse, and then, having experienced the problem response-behavior in the past, I access my own thought-out pre-determined strategy to deal with it, so that I will get a better result, without any damage done. 


During such out of balance times, it is clear that it is best to do a "reset", since my higher brain is otherwise in a dangerously low condition while the primitive mind is spending its resources elsewhere, trying to correct for the out-of-balance dysfunctionality.  

So, instead of eating sugar, I do my "1/6 cut of a Detour low sugar impact bar", at 30 calories, and a small handful of almonds and usually some water to get into balance physiologically, plus some deep slow breathing, and often, using 4 of the 5 letters of the word above, "rest".  I find remarkabley refreshing and restabilizing a 20 minute nap (using my Sleep Cycle app to assure I don't fall into actual sleep and get groggy, as it senses the movement and breathing patterns).  

Problem solved, with no bad side effects and no major time later in recovery...


A person who is fully in charge of his/her life will encounter such signals and impulses in life, the same as with all other humans, but the difference is that he realizes he can do something about it, and not lie in learned helplessness as the dogs did in Seligman's experiments.  

Once he sees that a problem has occurred, he proactively seeks a way to solve the problem and then devises or finds the solution.  (This is essential if one is to "Live The Life Of A Life Champion", instead of being an amateur at life.).  

The alternative is to keep repeating the same problems over and over, getting bruised from lying on the freeway of life.  

I would hope that she somehow "gets the message" and then learns what is needed sufficiently such that she can realize that it is ALL up to her as she is the only one in charge and must be 100% fully in charge of her life if she is to be able to create the best life.

There is no other way... circumstances, other people, mysterious forces will not somehow rescue her...


A key principle in life is to not "obey" impulses or "mysterious forces" - as they will do a lousy job of running one's life!  

Instead, one would best cognitively decide what to do with them.  

But the trick is not to decide when you are in a "lower state" and your willpower is low, but to decide ahead of time when you are in your higher brain what to do.  This pre-decision (a decision made ahead of time as to what to do) will then be used when the particular trigger that leads to "bad" behavior comes up.  

That is what the master of life does.  The victim let's the default response of the lower primitive mind rule.

The process is simple:

Note the problem --> Do what is necessary to solve the problem in the future --> Decide to do that whenever the trigger/cause of the problem occurs.  


And it makes life so much easier... In fact, it makes life easy...  (having cleared away all the difficulties and "hard" things to do)... 


I recommend that anyone to whom this applies read the materials and keep learning and thinking about this until one gets to the point of always noting what goes wrong in life (and also anticipating what could go wrong that is major) and then immediately doing whatever it takes to fix it... such that one lives a largely problem-free life!!!!!  

She, obviously, needs to do her "homework" (and to set aside the time to do so) so that she can gain the basic understanding needed to run her life:

Know how life works (the key things, anyway) 

The first three do not take a lot of time to become functional in.  The first priorities to learn about on life also come relatively quickly (i.e.  months).  Subsequently, we can add to each of these, which we then do when operating fully functionally from having learned the first three sufficiently.  

You can pass this onto someone else by clicking on the little white envelope right below this post.  Spreading the word will help make these works be availed of by more people, to create more good in the world and to create more Life Masters.  

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